Tuesday, October 18, 2011


In the best of times even, I have trouble sleeping. Usually, by the time I climb into bed, I am so exhausted; I fall asleep before I read even a page from my book. Falling asleep is never a problem. Staying asleep is another story!

My mind never stops. Naturally, left to it’s own desire, my mind is busy. That’s what keeps me awake. Thoughts flow continuously, sometimes so deeply that I create crazy convoluted stories from one tiny thought. In my head I can go from “I made a mistake” to “ They’re going to think I’m so stupid.” within minutes, just by allowing my mind to dig deeper into thought. Or I can spend the night planning an incredibly complicated lesson that would not have been able to happen during the busyness of the day. I suppose that during the quiet of the night, I take advantage of the opportunity to think. That’s not always good!

Quieting the mind is necessary and sleep recharges the body and soul. Yoga, meditation, and internal focus help me to guide inwardly and maintain some distance from thoughts that interfere with my own integrity... my own truth. I am better able now to teach myself to be still. I am learning to quiet my mind and find peace in my own inactivity. That has been my challenge. During sleep it is easiest to lose that intent. I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind starts. I struggle.

Today I began a series of Massage Therapy called Shirodhara. Shirodhara is an Ayruvedic practice that is recommended for quieting the mind. It is used for stress reduction, insomnia and for realizing balance of body, senses and spirit. In Sanskrit, Shirodhara comes from two words; shiras 'head' and dhara 'flow'.

The treatment begins with a basic head massage while sitting in a chair. Sithu, the therapist, pours oils onto my head and gently massages my scalp while blending the oils gently through my hair. The massage continues around the hairline, circling the periphery of the face. That complete, I am guided to a table. The oils are massaged into my face, emphasizing the spaces around the eyes, nose, lips and ears. A full oil body massage is the next step to warm the body and energize the inner circulation.

Then, I am wrapped in a cocoon like sheet to preserve the heat that has been generated from massage. A thin cloth is tied around my forehead to maintain a clear identification of my ‘third eye’. It’s the inward focus on my third eye that makes the Shirodhara as powerful as it is.

A thick cord hanging from a clay bowl is placed directly above my forehead in perfect line with the cloth. Sithu, seated at my head pours the oil into the bowl. The oils flow from the bowl through the thread across my forehead in a back and forth motion. For me, the doctor has chosen a Sandalwood oil because of my dosha constitution. As the oil flows though my hair into a receptacle below it is gathered so that Sithu can re-circulate the oils when the top bowl is emptied. For 45 minutes Sithu manages the continuous flow of oil passing repetitively over my third eye. With my eyes closed, I lay quietly focusing on the repetitive flow and the gentle stream that passes across my brow.

I am almost immediately transported to a place of complete relaxation. I am aware of my thoughts at first. Then I begin to notice the fading of their intensity. Within 10 minutes I am in a state of complete well-being and peaceful meditation…not sleep…. not awake…just bliss.

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