Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Summer has begun. The ferry glides it’s way through the wild waters of the Canadian west coast and I become aware of the clarity of my surroundings. There is something about landing in Vancouver that trigggers my conscientiousness and tunes me in. It’s like gently maneuvering the knob of a radio that crystallizes the sound, and establishes perfect location of station broadcasting. That’s what happens to me en route to Gabriola. I become perfectly tuned in.

It is a conversation I have often with Paul. He insists that he is transformed when he comes to B.C. “Places don’t change us.” I say. “We are who we are, wherever we are.” But something does change in British Columbia. Life becomes easier. I become more open to let go and just be, and it seems to be easier to embrace my surroundings. I give in to the universe.

Gliding on the ferry I am watchful and aware so as not to miss the presence of seals playfully somersaulting through the waves. They are there each time I make my yearly voyage to Gabriola. They welcome me for the summer as if, they too, wait all year with anticipation for my visit.

Inevitably the heat soaks in as the sun penetrates and I share its warmth with the ferry floors, my fellow passengers and the seals. I am reassured that there is enough for all of us and, as the summer is just beginning I have much time to unwind and reconnect to my world again. Work, play and daily meditation; it's easy to embrace.

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