Thursday, March 10, 2016

Which Body of Water Are You Most Like?

It’s raining still. The heavenly water flows from the skies. It fills us up and nourishes our earth and, ultimately, our bodies. It is God’s way of sharing the richness of heaven with our bountiful earth.

The river constantly flows. The waters rhythmically crash against the paths that have been naturally molded to contain the waters within and direct the flow. Nothing can stop the movement. The waters just flow. Only draught sucks the life energy from the earth and dries up the living cells. 

The ocean is infinite. I’m not infinite. So, I suppose I’m not like the ocean. The ocean is playful and enticing! There’s a whole different world under the ocean with diverse life and vibrant activity. Exploring beneath the ocean is rich and exciting, and even sometimes scary.  It’s a little like being on Mars.

Ponds just sit there! It’s a nice place for little animals to gather. I suppose birds might choose to land in a pond, but, I think it’s mostly a place for frogs and worms and even leeches. It sits so still that the surface becomes scummy and I step back, preferring to just look.. The floor is mushy and warm and just doesn’t feel welcoming. Nah….I’m not a pond, and anyway, I really don’t like leeches!

I am most like the rain. I come and go with anticipation and resignation. I feed the earth and hydrate life. I make sounds in the hollow of the trees and fill the oceans, rivers, steams and lakes. I am the source of all water! I can be very, very powerful and, I suppose, sometimes annoying and powerless.

It’s raining still.  That’s good. I can always depend on the rains that God offers. And, thankfully, it’s raining still!

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