Monday, October 15, 2012


“Where is home?” I often get asked as I travel through the world.

Home is the quiet of my soul. The place I go to when I feel lost and untethered. I find strength and comfort when I allow myself to go inside, meditate and sit quietly. I find home in my own being.

Home is the deafening sound of the quiet in the woods on our land. Or the growl of the wind as it passes from sea to sea. Home is the hum of the ferry liner cruising past Gabriola as it makes its way to the mainland.

Home is the warmth of the rocks on the shore at Drumbeg  Park. The eagles soaring above my head. It is the gentleness of the rain pattering on the canvas roof of our yurt in the afternoon. It is the crackle that comes from the wood stove.

Home is the dazzling contrast of God’s colours everywhere I look…blue sky, green leaves, brown bark from the trees…simple and profound.

Home is the comfort I feel as I look into my love’s face. It is the simple conversations that we have. It is the politics, literature, money issues, joys, dreams and fears that we get to share together. It is believing that we can always be together.

Home is making simple meals and lighting candles and drinking cheap red wine that we make ourselves for $3.00 bottle. Home is anywhere in the world, and everywhere in the world. With Paul I am home.

Home is actively sharing love with my children. It is knowing that, as we grow older, our relationship deepens, and we open up to understand each other more. Home is being with them, through all aspects of our lives, sharing laughter, tears, music, grief and joy. Home is having them near me, where ever we are on this planet.

Home is knowing that what I do in the world is helpful to others and that I make difference in their lives.

Home is teaching and the gift of being able to help others become more aware…of life…of their universe…. of themselves.

Home is learning. Travelling and reading and talking to others helps me expand my opinions and my perspectives. Learning is listening with my eyes and ears and an open heart… without judgement and the need to form an opinion. Learning is accepting every point of view before I feel confident enough to form my own opinion. Home is being able to say, “I don’t know.”

Home is writing. Paper, computer, dictation into my IPhone allows me to express what goes on in my heart and soul. It is that form of expression that connects me with others. It is the pathway that I create to make sense of myself in this world. Letting stuff out makes more room for finding space at ‘home’.

My life is full! At 57 years old I have lived in many places of the world. I have been born into and created family where personalities have incubated and flourished. I have studied, taught, sacrificed, danced, laughed, mourned, and sown myself carefully into this universe. I continue to do all that. I am here, now. I am home!

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